What I’m currently loving, looking forward to, buying, planting, and . . . cleaning?

I am joining Jennifer at All 4 Boys for Currently for April after seeing this on Erin’s blog at Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs. This is a feature held the first Wednesday of the month where you share what you are currently …well, whatever the themes are for that month. This month the theme is what we are currently loving, looking forward to, buying, planting, and cleaning.

Currently Loving

I am currently loving reading The Middle Moffat by Eleanor Estes to Little Miss, who is 9. I read this book in March for Middle Grade March and really enjoyed it but it is even more fun sharing it with my daughter. It is old fashioned, sure, since it was written in the 1940s but that doesn’t bother me at all. It has some super cute stories in it.

I am currently reading Little Miss the chapter where the main character Janey (she’s about 10) is trying to keep the “oldest inhabitant” safe. The oldest inhabitant is a 99-year-old Civil War veteran whom the town is anxious to celebrate the 100th birthday of and Janey makes friends with him in the beginning of the book. Throughout the book she works hard to protect him from any harm and the friendship grows. It is super sweet and adorable.

I am looking forward to reading the other books in the series soon.

Looking Forward To

I guess I could have used the above sentence for this. However, in addition to looking forward to reading the other Moffat books, I am also looking forward to warmer weather.

The last couple of weeks have been very cold, rainy, snowy, and dreary in our neck of the woods and I really need some sun.

Life has been a little down lately and I’m hopeful the sun might cheer me up a bit. That and the blooming flowers which will be pretty to look at even if they trigger my spring allergies. The neighbor has a few daffodils in their yard so that’s been nice to look at.


A new planner. I don’t know how I got into buying planners that go from July of one year to July of the next but I have and now I can’t seem to get myself unstuck so I am buying another planner this week so I can plan further out than July of this year. I used to buy these huge planners, but now I buy smaller ones that I can slide into my purse and carry around. Not so I can look at it and remember what I have to do, mind you. Just carry around and look like I’m organized, when I am totally not.


I should be planting plants or vegetables this month, but I’m not. Gardens, flowers, plants – they’re all failures for me usually. I kill them and sometimes they even toss themselves off shelves instead of letting me take them home with me where they know they will die anyhow.

Instead of living things, I am trying to plant some more faith this month. Faith and gratitude. I have been horribly depressed, bitter, and sad about the state of the world this week and I don’t want to be that person so I am taking advice from a book I am reading and doing the things I want the future me to do and that includes being more positive than negative. I have failed this week so pray I get better for the rest of the month.


I’m not cleaning the way I should be cleaning. I always seem to get wrapped up in other things – like writing blog posts or dealing with my daughter’s friend dramas.

It seems like I clean my living room and an hour later I clutter it again. Since our dishwasher died several months ago, I have been cleaning a lot of dishes and I will be doing that again today. I will also do my best to finish cleaning my daughter’s room and sliding a new sheet on her bed.

How about you? What are you loving, looking forward to, buying, planting, or cleaning currently?

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13 thoughts on “What I’m currently loving, looking forward to, buying, planting, and . . . cleaning?

  1. Pingback: Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot April 11 – Boondock Ramblings

  2. Pingback: Sunday Bookends: a little outing and a book sale – Boondock Ramblings

  3. Thank you Lisa for sharing some thoughts. After a week of monsoons, nature is looking forward to a rebound with warmer and drier weather. I enjoy your perspective about planting faith and gratitude. My writing journey just might have found a timely theme. I picked up our middle school granddaughter a few days ago, and we had some spare time to stop at one of my favorite coffee hangouts where she lives. The conversation reminded me how much this young woman has matured.


  4. Haha I’m almost the same with planners! I love having a calendar and a planner and all those things, but actually USE them? I’m so not good at doing that consistently. I’m looking forward to some more sunshine and fewer rainy days, and just hoping that my allergies won’t be too much of a problem! Hope you’re having a great week!


  5. Sun??? What is that?? We haven’t seen it for so long over here on this side of the mountains. Rain, rain, rain and dreary skies. It’s enough to make me want to crawl back into bed each morning. BUT…I am looking forward to warmer weather and – please, please, please – some sunshine. On the buying angle, I think getting a roof on our backyard deck counts and I’m so looking forward to that. Our contractor starts this project next week. Planting – I leave that to the husband. He’s the gardener of the family and right now he’s growing some plants from seeds in the house. Cleaning – that’s what I should be doing – some big time spring cleaning but….no motivation in this dreary weather. Sounds like a vicious cycle, doesn’t it?


    1. It really can be a viscious cycle, yes. Now, to clarify..I want it warmer but not too warm. Ya’ know what I mean? *wink* Yes, I am particular.

      And yes that roof counts.

      Good luck to hubby in his planting season!


  6. Anonymous

    What a handsome pup among the daffodils!! Here’s to more spring blooms and lots of flowers – and the lighter feeling they can all bring!! Glad you joined the link-up and “nice to meet you”!:)


  7. I need to look for a smaller planner too. I have an Erin Condren softbound but it’s too big for my purse. Warmer weather and sunshine are on their way here right now.


  8. Joanne

    I am looking forward to flowers blooming and sun shining too; even knowing it will set off my allergies! I just fee like I haven’t seen nearly enough sun to mind. 


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