Four YouTube Channels I watch to relax

Today I am sharing four YouTube Channels I watch to relax. Now, I thought of writing about this subject two weeks ago but didn’t get around to it. Last week my friend Erin from Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs wrote a similar post. Her post was about booktubers she watches.
I want to explain that I did not steal the idea from her. If I had, however, she wouldn’t care a bit. Ha! Anyhow, go check out her post too.

Just A Few Acres

I’ve mentioned this one before but this is a channel run by a farmer in Ithaca, N.Y. His name is Pete and he opens a lot of his videos by just saying, in a calm voice, Hi, I’m Pete.

His videos mainly focus on whatever he is doing on the farm that particular day or him working on his Farmall Tractors. They farm a small head of cattle and brooder chickens.

Sometimes Farmer Pete worries about the purpose of his channel and a couple of months ago he was lamenting over the fact that he didn’t think his videos were contributing anything to society. His viewers commented in droves, letting him know how relaxing they find his videos and how watching them helps their thoughts quiet.

I had to agree. Watching him conduct his every day business and then share about it in his calm, methodical, and relaxed way is very relaxing and grounding for me. Maybe it is because I grew up in a farming area or just because he’s pretty laid back no matter what life throws at him and I wish I could be like that.

The Cottage Fairy

This channel is run by a young woman who lives, I think, in Washington State. She lives in a small house in the middle of the woods with her young husband and her videos feature some deep thoughts about life and also her life as an artist and working in a small bookstore in the town near her.

Her videos feature soft music and beautiful scenery in the deep woods as well as flowers and bookshelves.

She has recently put posting on hold as she prepares to have a baby and I have a feeling she will post very little once she has her baby because she seems the type of woman who will want to focus more attention on her child than social media.

Forgotten Way Farms

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this one before too but this is run by a woman who films herself making wonderful homecooked meals for her large family, homesteading, thrift shopping, and sharing about books.

It is a very calming channel and, of course, this is only one part of her life, but I appreciate she keeps her channel focused on calming and everyday simple living. It is a nice distraction from the craziness of life.

Intentionally Bookish

This one is a new one for me. I found her while looking for cozy mystery recommendations. I like how she loves cozy mysteries and lets you know why and how she’s just so bubbly and happy on her videos. Again, I know that the videos are only a part of her life so I know she isn’t happy all of the time but I appreciate the excitement she brings to her reviews and her recommendations. Plus I’ve found a couple of really good recommendations from her so far.

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11 thoughts on “Four YouTube Channels I watch to relax

  1. Pingback: Sunday Bookends: Finishing up and starting cozy mysteries, working on the latest Gladwynn book, and that’s about it. – Boondock Ramblings

  2. Debbie- Dabble

    Thanks so much for stopping by!! Yes, I am trying to keep busy as I try to find what my new normal will be in the wake of my husband’s passing…I hope you have a great weekend!!


    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s funny how YouTube has become such a widespread way of creating little communities…kinda! I started watching Arne and Carlos during Covid. They would post everyday and called it “Sit and Knit for a Bit.” They are knitwear designers in Norway. Each day, for several days, they created a different “patch” you could knit. I have several that I need to do something with. Then, as the world opened up, and their need to again make money grew, they began posting less and less. They also now do the sign up for this tier and get this thing which bothers me a bit as I know they live quite well. I also like to watch all manner of YouTubers re: RuPaul’s Drag Race, make up, and fashion. I don’t necessarily watch any one channel for very long. I did watch this guy cook…Jamie, the Anti-Chef. His thing was making things out of Julie Child’s first cookbook. He’s entertaining, but I guess I’m fickle because I haven’t watched him in forever! Thank goodness for YouTube, right?


    1. I bounce around a lot too but I’ve stuck to these four more than the others, I guess. Yes, it always bothers me when I know people are making a lot of money but still asking for money. At the same time I try to remember that they are trying to keep sevral sources of revenue open in case something hapens to one of the other ones. It makes sense, I guess.


  4. Lol! No I wouldn’t have cared, you are correct! But we are usually vibing on the same wavelength so I am not surprised we both thought of this at the same time.

    Thank you for introducing me to Intentionally Bookish! I have been enjoying her as well, based on your recommendation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I honestly don’t watch YouTube as much as it sounds like here. And I’m extremely picky about what I do watch. As for music, it’s the same for me with the Christian and the oldies. Of course now 80s is considered oldies, which is a bit shocking to me. Ha!


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