Looking back at May in photos

I don’t have a ton of photos from May but I thought I would share what I do have. I can’t even believe May is gone and we are already in June! We did get outside a little bit more in May than in other months, since it finally warmed up, but I didn’t always remember to take my camera with me or to take photos. That’s unusual for me, but, well, sometimes it does happen that I don’t have a camera with me.

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8 thoughts on “Looking back at May in photos

  1. Pingback: Sunday Bookends: Friend visits, old trees, old books, and nice weather | Boondock Ramblings

    1. I know, right??!! She caught that little snake and brought it to me all proud! Crazy kitten! I’m afraid she’s going to get bit by a rattle snake but we don’t usually have them up around our house so hopefully not.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. This one was sort of alive but not moving very fast — a live one was in our yard yesterday when my daughter and her friends were on the slip n’ slide though. Thankfully it slithered away fast.


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