Looking back at April in photos

April was a strange month weather wise at times. Warm sun, rain, gloomy days, snow, then warm sun again. In other words, it was a typical April for our state. I thought I’d look back on the month in photos since, as usual, my life wasn’t super exciting and there isn’t much to write about it. There were some playground trips, running in the backyard, Easter, weird medieval helmets and blooming spring flowers. Who knows what May will bring that will be worthy of a photo or two.

Looking back at September through photos

September went by super fast for me. I really mean that. One moment we were enjoying the end of summer and then bam! Autumn was all up in our grills (no, I have no idea where that came from and don’t tell my son I said it because he doesn’t like when I “try to be cool.” If only he knew I was cool before he knew what cool was. Am I right?). I thought I would take the lazy way out today — I mean, I thought I would brighten your day (*wink*) with some photos of our September instead of my normal verbal rambling.