A new season of flowers

I had nothing to do with the flowers blooming around my house. I have no idea how to maintain them and they’d probably last longer if I had a clue what I’m doing. But I don’t have a clue so I weed them a little, pull some old ones off, and then I take a lot of photos of them. I thought I’d share of the photos I’ve been taking today on the blog. Hopefully flower lovers and non-flower lovers alike will enjoy the photos.

Photos of the week and a few extras

It was so cold and dreary here last week that we didn’t really leave the house much, which means I didn’t take a lot of photographs.
I took a few, though, and thought I would share them. Hopefully I’ll have more next week.

I decided to also add some photos I found in my Lightroom that I hadn’t edited yet. I guess you would call them some “lost gems” from the last six months. I also seem to have a black and white theme going on this week. Sometimes black and white helps me to focus on moments, as well as light and dark, more than other aspects of photography.

Also, from these photos it looks like I only have one child. I assure you that I have two, but one is 14. I think that’s all I need to say about that.

Photos from This Week


Old/New Photos

Looking back at September through photos

September went by super fast for me. I really mean that. One moment we were enjoying the end of summer and then bam! Autumn was all up in our grills (no, I have no idea where that came from and don’t tell my son I said it because he doesn’t like when I “try to be cool.” If only he knew I was cool before he knew what cool was. Am I right?). I thought I would take the lazy way out today — I mean, I thought I would brighten your day (*wink*) with some photos of our September instead of my normal verbal rambling.