Fiction Friday: Some writing updates.

No, I don’t have a new fiction story to share with you yet but I do have some news about my fiction that is already out there in the world.

First, all of my books are again available on Kindle Unlimited or for purchase on Amazon.

You can find them HERE:

Paperbacks are available on Amazon, but they will also be available through my site for $10 starting this summer and they will also be on Barnes and Noble. The ebook copies will be available through Amazon only for the time being.

Also, Beauty From Ashes is up for pre-order on Amazon for 99 cents until May 1 when the price will go up. The book, the third in The Spencer Valley Chronicles, releases May 10.

Also, Amazon has placed the paperback of A New Beginning on sale for $5 for some reason.

A social media tour for The Farmer’s Daughter is going to be held by JustRead Blog Tours at the end of June. If you are interested in signing up for that tour you can sign up here:

In closing, I could use a couple of people to read through Beauty From Ashes sometime in mid-April to find typos. This isn’t a paid gig, sadly, because I am a poor lady (I’m just a poor girl, from a poor family….) but you will get to read the book in full before it releases and I may have a couple other perks lined up for anyone who can help.

So that is all for my fiction updates.

I’m working on a new book so maybe I’ll have some chapters from it to share in the next few weeks so that there is actually some fiction on Fiction Friday.

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9 thoughts on “Fiction Friday: Some writing updates.

  1. Oh, dear, I’m on my long blogging break during your book blog tour, but I’ll be sure to mention both your book and the tour in my Digest so readers can be on the look out for it. If you still need a proofreader for Beauty from Ashes, I’d be happy to help, though it’s just about mid-April, so I’m probably late. Haha, that’ll teach me to go on breaks and not check anything out! Looking forward to what you have to share next!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Of course! I’m always happy to help out whenever and wherever I can. If there’s anything specific I can link to for your blog tour, I’d be happy to. If you do happen to need an extra pair of eyes, I’m always happy to, otherwise, good luck getting Beauty From Ashes out into the world!


  2. Pingback: Sunday Bookends: Winter Will Never Go Away! And other ramblings about this past week! | Boondock Ramblings

        1. I just read a meme or something that said, “If you can’t get with me blurting out song lyrics that fit with something you just said then we can’t be friends.” lol. i do this to my son all the time and he’s like, “what? Why are you doing that?!”

          Liked by 1 person

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