Suddenly homeschooling? Here are some tips and links to help you out. Sorry, I can’t send wine.

If you are a parent whose children attend public or private school and now they are suddenly home you may be panicking a little. That panic may be because you know they are going to drive you crazy, or it may be because you are afraid they are going to fall behind on their lessons. Either way, you’re feeling the stress right now.

Welcome to the world of this already homeschooling mom. *wink*

Seriously, though, stay calm. It’s not as hard as you think.

Maybe your child’s teacher has already given you lessons, paperwork, etc., but maybe your child has already worked through it or would simply like some supplemental educational resources. Either way, I’ve pulled together some links and advice that might help you feel a little calmer about the situation you’ve been placed in.

Blogger Heather Dawn from Every Small Voice had some great advice about this on Friday, actually, so make sure to check out her post as well. 

One of the most important lessons I have learned from homeschooling is something Heather mentioned on her blog as well and that is that homeschooling is not going to look or act like public school and that is okay.

As I told a friend this week: The issue is that a lot of parents think homeschooling has to be exactly like public school, in that the kids have to be sitting in a class for six hours at a time. That’s not the case. Kids aren’t even in instruction time all day at school. They have recess and lunch and study hall and getting on and off buses and by the time they are done they really have only had 2-3 hours of instruction time, perhaps a little more as they get older.

Also, with younger children, everyday activities can be a chance for learning. For example, when my daughter wants to play a game or watch something on my phone she has to type in my passcode and has been learning her numbers that way. If she wants to watch one of her kid-friendly shows on YouTube, she and I search for it together, which helps her practice her letters.

On Friday my daughter and I were outside drawing with sidewalk chalk and she was practicing writing her letters at the same time.  Homeschooling creates many hands-on situations like this for every age.


DSC_8912Unlike what some may think, homeschooling families do not simply sit at home playing video games, though they probably have more time to do that than some students since they don’t have homework. They do all of their work during lessons, which means homework is completely unnecessary. 

And speaking of lessons, some students are self-sufficient when it comes to their lessons and assignments and some students require the parent to be more of a teacher to them. Every age group and student is different. Our family has set curriculum that I research prior to each school year, but we also supplement with a number of resources, both written and digital.

We currently use America the Beautiful for our social studies; Apologia for our Science; CTC Math for math; Saxon Grammar and Writing for part of English and we read books through America the Beautiful and on our own for English.

For my 5-year old we use The Good and the Beautiful.

I won’t lie that we have been pretty thrilled with the free resources popping up for parents who have been flung suddenly into a homeschooling situation so I want to share some of the links I’ve found that have popped up recently, as well as resources we use in our regular homeschooling lessons.

So far, we have enjoyed Mo Willems, who is the current Kennedy Center Artist in Residence (literally), and is offering an art demonstration and lesson for young children every weekend day at 1 p.m.

Michelle at Blessings By Me mentioned a resource in the comments and I’m adding it here. Supercharged Science will send you science experiments via your email and explanations of the experiments, according to Michelle. Thank you to her for this additional link!

Crash Course offers digital learning on their YouTube channels related to history and science and current events. Their channel is aimed toward older children maybe 12 and up. My son has already been a little more mature than his peers so it’s hard for me to gauge the age that this would be appropriate for accurately. You might just want to watch a couple videos and see if the channel would be right for your student.  We use their videos as supplemental resources for our Social Studies and Science.

Speaking of YouTube, you can find a lot of supplemental videos there for a variety of subjects, but always be sure to vet them and double-check they are from reliable sources. 

Also on YouTube are a few videos from a farmer friend of ours. It’s good for students to understand the importance of farmers, especially right now when people are panicking about a possible lack of food. Mark creates videos to educate children and others about dairy farming. I don’t know how he even has time with all the work he has on the farm! My 5-year old really enjoyed this one.

I also saw a blog post from Cornerstone Confessions that shared a huge list of online activities to support music education.

I’m barely on Facebook, but I did happen to catch a very extensive list of sites offering either virtual tours of museums and zoos or other educational opportunities. The sites range from offering ways to learn about art, history, culture, and music and other academics to simply offering ideas for child-related activities. FYI: not all these sites or activities are free.


Have any tips of your own for parents who are “suddenly homeschooling”? Or links to blog or sites that do? Let me know in the comments and feel free to leave links (I’ll check my spam in case any of them get kicked in there.)


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27 thoughts on “Suddenly homeschooling? Here are some tips and links to help you out. Sorry, I can’t send wine.

  1. Pingback: Schools closed down? Here are some more links to help support your child’s education – Boondock Ramblings

    1. I’m working on another one for next week but we will see how far I get! I’ve been seeing some other links and tips, some for older students online but I haven’t been on Facebook as much so I am sure there are a lot more now.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: More links for parents suddenly homeschooling – Boondock Ramblings

    1. I’m going to add another post tomorrow with some other links. . . maybe not as many, but still some interesting ones. Honestly, there are almost too many links for everyone to take advantage of every one of them!


  3. Pingback: Homeschooling at a Moment's Notice - The Lily Cafe

  4. Great list, Lisa! I am checking out some of these sites myself as I am always on the lookout for more resources 🙂 I have also used Easy Peasy Homeschool ( in the past. They are a Christian based FREE online homeschooling program. I have found it especially helpful in the early years (ie preschool, pre-k, K, etc.). Once they get older, it doesn’t really work for our family anymore so I have transitioned (mostly) over to the good and the beautiful. But they are a great resource to use and did I mention they are free? (All the way through high school!) Thank you for compiling this list for people to use. We are all humans and in this together! God Bless!


    1. I forgot about Easy Peasy! We used that too. I’ll probably do another one of these posts this week anyhow. I’m trying to distract myself from the news as much as possible so being able to channel my energy somewhere else helps!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🙂 I’m working on channeling my energy to positive things this week. Last week was kind of a bust for me and I spent way too much time playing games on my phone as a distraction. Oh well, new week, new plans! I think you are doing a great job of finding other things to do!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Autumn

    I’m huge into utilizing video games with our homeschooling, so sometimes we do spend all day playing, lol. I don’t know how I would have motivated my super-right-brained 8-year-old to learn how to read without them.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Sunday Bookends: Free ebooks, moving and some fresh air – Boondock Ramblings

  7. This is fantastic and so impressive! It’s amazing how the world has been coming together to support kids who are suddenly stuck at home, well as the rest of us slowly losing our marbles. Thank you so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for this great list of resources! I’m going to share this today! I know my daughter will be glad for these ideas, as she is homeschooling her son, in pre-k. But many, many others now are joining in with this, even if only temporarily.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What a great resource! It’s helpful to me, too, even though I already homeschool. 🙂 Recently I came across If you sign up for emails she sends you free science experiments and the lessons that go with them. We took a free class about marine biology, which was long, but very interesting. And she did 3 experiments in the video that you can do along with her.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in this! So many people need a place to start as they were just sort of thrown into this without the benefits us homeschoolers had of conferences, lots of research and advice! There are so many people who need this kind of help right now!

    Liked by 1 person

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