Looking back at June, ahead to July

It’s crazy to think June is gone already. It seemed to fly by in some ways and linger in others.

Our July was busy, to begin with, and then slowed down a bit as it went on.

In the beginning of the month, we were finishing up school, then I had to meet with our evaluator, gather together paperwork for the school district for next year, and deliver all of that paperwork (including the evaluations from the evaluator) to the district. In the midst of all of that, Little Miss’s friends from Texas visited for a couple of weeks and were at our house during the days a few days out of that two weeks, which was very nice.

I enjoyed watching my flowers bloom at the beginning of June and loved admiring them all month long.

They are now gone, which is sad for me, but at least I have my photos of them.

We closed out June with a week’s vacation for The Husband, during which we didn’t do a ton, but did relax, read books, and did visit a local state park, which included a beach and lake. The beach, is, of course, sand that is added to the shoreline of the lake, not naturally there. Lake Jean is 245-acres has warmwater panfish and game fish. Ice fishing is also allowed there in the winter. In addition to the small swimming area, boating (not speed boats), canoeing, and paddle boarding is also allowed.

The park is 13,193 acres in Luzerne, Sullivan, and Columbia counties of Pennsylvania and features trails, camping areas, picnic spaces, and hunting land.

We hope to visit there again and another state park near us (this entire county is 90 percent state game lands) before the end of the summer.

I don’t have too many plans so far for July, other than celebrating 20-years of marriage (hey, guess that is a big deal), hunting down and finalizing our homeschool curriculum, and perhaps planting some late season veggies to help stretch our grocery budget.

I’m sure there will be some fun swimming in the pool at my parents, maybe a train ride we couldn’t squeeze in for The Husband’s vacation, hopefully, some trips to the ice cream stand and some playgrounds, and I’m sure more than a few cookouts at the parents’ or elsewhere.

What do you have planned for July? Anything exciting?

Here are a few (yeah, I know…few in my terms is not the same as it is for others) photos from our month of June: