Weekly Traffic Jam Reboot

Welcome to another Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot hosted by Marsha in the Middle, Melynda from Scratch Made Food & DYI Homemade Household, Sue from Women Living Well After 50, and me.  Look for the link up to go live on Thursdays at 9:30pm EDT. 

This week has been crazy weatherwise here in the east of the U.S.

First, we had a fairly major storm Saturday and Sunday. That left about five inches of snow on the ground for us.

Monday the weather still wasn’t great and the snow stayed around. On Tuesday, there was more snow and freezing rain and then it turned to all rain and flash flooding was predicted. Luckily there was no major flash flooding or flooding at all and the snow is still on the ground.

The high winds we got were scary but didn’t cause damage in our immediate area, which is a surprise considering all the dead ash trees we have around us. There was a lot of damage in other counties around us, however.

The kids enjoyed playing in the snow and my youngest was sad when it melted. There are rumors she will have more snow to play in before the month is out, however.

Maybe even before next week is out.

Moving on to last week’s traffic jam reboot link up, Thrifting World had the most clicked post. Actually, she had two posts that tied for the most clicked.

Thrifting in 2024


A Table From A Door

In addition to enjoying her posts, I always enjoyed the following posts:

Friday Morning Catch Up with Still Life, With Cracker Crumbs

Nativity Scene Collection with Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

My Office and Reading Nook with Living Outside the Stacks

Now it is your turn to link up your favorite posts. They can be fashion, lifestyle, DIY, food, etc. All we ask is that they be family-friendly. You can link up posts from last week or from years ago even.

Also, please take the time to visit the other blogs on the link-up and meet some new bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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5 thoughts on “Weekly Traffic Jam Reboot

  1. Pingback: Sunday Bookends: artic temps, still reading the same books (sigh), and binging Northern Exposure – Boondock Ramblings

  2. Wow! I was looking for something like this. I actually had been away from my blog for a while only to realise a lot of the people with whom I’d become friends have stopped blogging. And unless you have people around, this place just isn’t as fun as it could be. Thanks for this, this will be a great way to getting to know new people.
    Also I could read a few blogs, and I really loved them.
    I haven’t written anything recently but I shall and post it.
    Thank you for this!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anonymous

    Thanks again for hosting this wonderful party! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that I truly appreciate it!! I hope you will have a great week! Thanks for all the inspiration!!!


So, what do you think? Leave me a comment! I love to meet new people and chat with ones I already know!

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