Sunday Bookends: Finished books (finally), news detox, and what really matters

I finally finished Sweet on You by Becky Wade and I thought I should explain that it didn’t take me so long to finish it because it wasn’t good, or didn’t hold my attention, but because I was finding it hard to concentrate with everything going on in the world these days. After clicking off the news and social media for an extended time, my focus came back and I was able to read again.

Which is why I finished Sweet on You and also progressed on Light in the Window by Jan Karon and The Knife Slipped by Earl Stanley Gardner (who also wrote the novels the Perry Mason show was based on).

Here is a short description of Sweet on You for anyone who might be interested:

Britt and Zander have been best friends since they met thirteen years ago, but unbeknownst to Britt, Zander has been in love with her for just as long. When Zander’s uncle dies of mysterious causes, he returns to Washington to investigate. As they work together to uncover his uncles tangled past, will the truth of what lies between them also come to light?

This is the third in the Bradford Sisters’ series.

This is also the third book I have read by Becky Wade and I’ve discovered that she is very interested in describing the fashion of her characters, while I am not. That doesn’t mean she is a bad writer or I don’t enjoy her books. In fact, based on her Instagram account, I think Becky and I would get along nicely and we would laugh about how much she enjoys describing the fashion of her characters and how much I hate doing that with my characters. I skim her descriptions of the fashion simply because – well, I don’t care. It doesn’t add anything to the story for me to know in a very detailed way the main character is wearing. Thankfully she’s not overly detailed, just gives enough to describe the person’s outfit really.

A description of a character’s fashion can add something to the story, because what a character is wearing helps to paint a picture of who they are, so please know I’m only teasing a little about not caring about a detailed description of what the character is wearing. But I really do just skim those descriptions myself if they get too detailed.

I follow Becky Wade on Instagram (when I’m on Instagram, which I haven’t been for more than a week now, maybe two. I don’t know. I don’t really like Instagram.) and she recently mentioned the books from her Bradford Sisters series is being optioned for a movie. I would gather a Hallmark movie. I’d be interested to see those movies as there is a lot of intrigue in each of the books. These are light, somewhat schmaltzy romances (yeah, sort of like what I write) just to let you know.

I wanted to offer a description of The Knife Slipped too (not so sure about that cover but I think it is made in the style of the old Noir crime novels. So far this book is not full of s-e-x (said like Miranda Hart in her show Miranda). Just intrigue and slightly off color language.):

At the time of his death, Erle Stanley Gardner was the best-selling American author of the 20th century, and world famous as the creator of crusading attorney Perry Mason. Gardner also created the hardboiled detective team of Cool and Lam, stars of 29 novels published between 1939 and 1970—and one that’s never been published until now.

Lost for more than 75 years, THE KNIFE SLIPPED was meant to be the second book in the series but got shelved when Gardner’s publisher objected to (among other things) Bertha Cool’s tendency to “talk tough, swear, smoke cigarettes, and try to gyp people.” But this tale of adultery and corruption, of double-crosses and triple identities —however shocking for 1939—shines today as a glorious present from the past, a return to the heyday of private eyes and shady dames, of powerful criminals, crooked cops, blazing dialogue, and delicious plot twists.

Donald Lam has never been cooler—not even when played by Frank Sinatra on the U.S. Steel Hour of Mystery in 1946. Bertha Cool has never been tougher. And Erle Stanley Gardner has never been better.

This is a new genre for me so we will see if I stick with it or not.

So how am I doing on my news/social media detox I invited others to join me on this past week? Fairly well. I won’t say I’ve quit cold turkey. I still have the urge to check news sites and social media but last week something happened that really made me not care about the turmoil of fire the national media keeps flaming to line their pockets. My mom ended up in the ER. She’s fine. It was gastritis and not a heart attack but, you know what? That day I could have cared less about who was calling who racist. I could have cared less what one politician said about another politician. I just wanted my mom to be okay.

Clicking on a news site wasn’t even on my radar that day and it hasn’t been there since. Like I said, I do feel a sense of “I’m out of the loop” and think about “getting in the loop” but I just don’t go there. My brain had gone all the way to planning my mom’s funeral last week. Yes, I know. That’s nuts but the initial report I got was hazy and I thought “this is it. I finally move closer to my parents and this is it…” Even though it wasn’t “it” I was left feeling off for the rest of the day and I knew logging on to a news site would push me even further into unsettled darkness.

I decided it might do the same in the days that followed so I’m here, in semi-darkness about what is happening in the world (my husband works for a small town paper so I do know some things and I did log on Facebook once on Friday) and guess what! It feels great! I’ve never felt happier to be a clueless (or semi-clueless) schmuck with my head in the sand.

Join me.

Come to the light side.

Ignore the urge to watch the world burn around us (quite literally) and shut the computer off or click off the phone and go work in your garden, for a walk, paint, write, take a photo. I don’t know. I don’t care how you do it but just give your poor brain a break; it wasn’t meant to take in all that information at once. Of course, I sound like those people who are always telling everyone what to do here, so I’ll modify a bit and say: Do it if you want to, but I can guarantee you will feel less stressed if you take that break.

Seriously, how many more articles do we need to read with headlines like this: “[Celebrity] says he doesn’t think [politician] is/will/can/ever doing/do/do/did a good job.” I can’t find a care left for what a celebrity or politician thinks and I bet many of you are in the same boat.

Since I’m not watching news, or trying not to, I’m watching only what requires the least amount of brain cells. Things like Corner Gas (a Canadian sitcom), old shows like The Dick VanDyke Show, and British sitcoms like As Time Goes By. I also watched Murder Mystery on Netflix with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. It wasn’t award winning, but it was entertaining and a nice distraction. (My son said to add it was a little stupid as a warning.)

I don’t have much of an update on the garden because it’s growing very slowly. It rained a couple of times last week but other than that I probably didn’t water it enough throughout the week. Some additional flowers bloomed outside the house but I’m still waiting on the peonies.

I hope to have photos of them next week.

So how about you? What have you been you reading, watching, or doing lately? Let me know in the comments!

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16 thoughts on “Sunday Bookends: Finished books (finally), news detox, and what really matters

  1. I’m so glad your mom is okay! I’ve been joining you in the social media detox. I’ve been on Instagram a little bit and checked my blog page on FB and Twitter and that’s it. I’ve felt so much better not seeing anything about the craziness of the world. I’m putting my time into planning homeschool next year, blog posts, and home renovation. Ain’t nobody got time for all that other mess. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s what I said today when I went on for a bit: “Ain’t nobody got time for that…” lol. I logged back off and am trying to rewrite a ton of The Farmer’s Daughter I lost two days ago when it didn’t save for some reason!

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  2. I’ve done well avoiding Facebook and Twitter!! I only go to FB to video chat my mom. 🙂 I definitely feel much better. I think I can still know what is happening in the world but I don’t need to be inundated with everyone’s opinions on it, if that makes sense. 🙂

    I am so glad to hear that your scare was gastritis and not your mom’s heart!! How absolutely scary. I am so happy to hear that it was all ok. But yes, definitely puts some perspective on things when stuff happens like that. 😦 I will keep you all in my prayers!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yup you’ve helped urge me to be clueless right along with you, and I’m fine with it! I pray for the state of our country and world but don’t need to be wrapped up in the mess and worry.
    Glad your mama is okay!!! And I agree, who cares about a celebrity’s opinion on politics etc anyway, after all their (actor’s) job is just to bluff, fake, and well act…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my gosh, that is so scary about your mom, I am so glad she is okay. I can not even imagine what you went through. You are right about the world burning down around us and needing a break, I was going off some there too, it is scary. My daughter even got bullied on social media because she does positive bible verses and vlogs. She said some of her friends were getting trolled with hate over some black square they didn’t post I guess…I can’t keep up with the trends and hate mobile of some of the younger generation. Anyway, I am happy your mom is okay. I include you and your family, all my blogging friends in my prayers that we all stay safe and happy out there. You are so good at drawing, you should start drawing again out in your garden. I started doing my doodle when the riots started, I really needed a distraction. Watched that murder mystery movie too and it was kind of silly but it was a nice break from the world. You and your family have a beautiful and peaceful Sunday and wish your mom well for me. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. True, and this is why I worry for my kids and their future. My daughter came to me and said she had to stay off of social media for at least a week. I did not even know how bad it was. I only do YouTube and WordPress. My son does not get involved with that, he just tells me it can get really dark online with some people.

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        1. That is awful, why would anyone go so far as wanting to kill someone over a stranger. Politicians are basically strangers, such passion now days for not just living a certain lifestyle, what religion you are but also what political party you belong too.My 85 year old aunt no longer speaks to me because her adult kids became so hateful towards my husband and I that I was making them look bad by not joining in with their hate fest. Because my husband and I don’t really talk politics or current events with them they atomically accuse us of being something we are not. It is a very frightening thing to witness. If you aren’t praising or talking about the same subjects they are you get sneered at and attacked.I believe there is a lot of brainwashing going on and that is what is frightening. I think that is why more and more families are choosing home schooling now because of the indoctrination of our children. But now it is even more then that, look at what they are pushing in our movies, commercials, and magazines and books…you can’t escape the indoctrinating of our youngest generations. There is an agenda in everything now and the wicked side has control when it comes to the make believe entertaining world. I did find a cute movie last night to watch on Netflix but even that has a hidden agenda with things…I won’t go into it, but at least it wasn’t hate, violence and gore. It is called The healer. I am still watching it, started late and didn’t finish. Thought you would like it too.


So, what do you think? Leave me a comment! I love to meet new people and chat with ones I already know!

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