Winter. An introvert’s favorite season.

Winter is coming.

Though I’ve never watched it, I’m told this is something said in the Game of Thrones books and show, but it’s also something we say here in the North when the leaves change colors on the trees and begin to fall into our yards and roads and the squirrels begin to run by our windows with huge black walnuts in their mouths.

In our house, we also know winter is coming when our “escape house cat” runs out the back door and into our neighbor’s yard but then looks over her shoulder at us in shock as if it say “Did you know it is this cold out here?! Why is it so cold out here?!”


I won’t lie – those three words often set a feeling of dread in me, because I am not a fan of the dark and gloomy days of winter that seem to go on forever. I deal with depression so add seasonal depression disorder to that and I’m a bit of a mess some winters. Last winter this blog, and those I met through it, were one of the only things that kept my spirit from dipping as low as it usually does, though January and February were horribly long and lonely for me. I’m hoping that this year I’ll be able to slog through the darkest months of winter by conversing with the characters in my mind and working on my stories, as well as conversing with the fun characters I meet in “blogland”.


In addition to the dread of winter coming, though, is a sense of relief that it is coming because, alas, I am an introvert and an introvert likes nothing better than having an excuse not to leave the house. My son is also an introvert, which is probably why both our eyes lit up late one night last week when he said, “It’s almost winter.”

We were actually fairly giddy about the prospect of being “forced” to remain inside with a good book or a chance to create (him by building houses in Minecraft, me by writing or editing photos).

Of course, what we don’t like about winter is the same thing we like about winter – we’re stuck inside our house for months at a time. That can get boring pretty fast and eventually we brave the cold temperatures to walk around the block or get groceries or throw a snowball at each other, or anything, just to get away from the monotony of it all – and each other.
Looking at the positives of winter – hot cocoa, hearty soups, hot tea with honey, good books, family movie nights – helps us both feel better about the long periods of gloom and darkness. I guess looking for the positives in the aspects of life we don’t enjoy is one way to make it easier to face them. The other way is to eat chocolate and rock in the corner and cry.

There may be a little of both this winter if other winters are any indication and there is nothing wrong with that.

So, how about you? What’s winter like where you live? Cold? Dreary? Warm? Sunny? Let me know in the comments! I like hearing about the different weather where people live.

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10 thoughts on “Winter. An introvert’s favorite season.

  1. Pingback: Looking back at October ahead to November, reading and otherwise – Boondock Ramblings

  2. manitobamomblog

    I can definitely relate! I like the time leading up to Christmas but then find myself fighting depression for the next 3 months. As for the winter temps where I live, I don’t really want to talk about it…😬

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you live where your name suggests you do … my prayers are with you with those temps! I can’t even imagine how bad it is. We will have to cheer each other up this winter … agreed? Blogging really helped me last year, like I said, but also my son’s homeschooling group. It made me get out of the house, even when I didn’t want to.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. manitobamomblog

        Yes, thanks for the prayers…we need them here in Manitoba! 😆 Let’s get through the winter together!

        Blogging does help me as well, and I also go to a group at my church once per week. It’s a great lifeline.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I am almost afraid to comment because we don’t really get a Winter here in Phoenix, Arizona. Well, not the snow that is. Sometimes it gets cold at night and we have to cover our plants because the temps are at freezing levels but mostly it is Spring like temps here. Up north though, where are Our Little Red House is, now that can be harsh when a Winter storm blows in. We have brutal summers here in the city and we call that are sunned in moments instead of snowed in. We are happy to be able to open our doors now and turn off the air conditioning which can get expensive. When I was a kid, we survived our hot summers with a swap cooler. I grew up on a dirt road by a mountain. It was hard for a kid with asthma but I still loved it out there by that desert mountain.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh winter….A love/dislike relationship for sure, lol. I do LOVE being FORCED to stay inside and at home for the most part but it does eventually begin to wear at even the heartiest introvert 🙂 The worst part of winter for me is the extreme cold we get. If it wasn’t so gosh darn cold (anything below zero and I just don’t deal well) I wouldn’t mind winter half so much. The feet of snow don’t bother me, it’s the cold! Here’s to hoping the below zero days are few and far between this year! God Bless!

    Liked by 1 person

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