10 on 10 for March. Also known as my favorite photos from February and March so far

I am so ready for spring that my brain has literally gone into a sort of hibernation that involves denial that it is still winter and we will still be getting snow and ice and cold days that require large, puffy winter coats and knitted hats. If someone says “did you know we are getting snow tomorrow?” I look at them like a deer standing in the middle of the road, entranced by headlights. 

I’ve fallen deep into researching my family on ancestry.com so that has helped to distract me from the fact it’s still winter, but it’s put a bit of a halt in my photography, which is why this month is simply a collection of some of my favorite photos from February and the beginning of March. Included is a couple of shots from my farm project. 

This post is part of a monthly blog circle where we feature ten photos from a day or simply the previous month. ]To follow the circle scroll to the end of the post for the next link.


To continue the circle visit Anna Hurley and check out her beautiful photos!

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11 thoughts on “10 on 10 for March. Also known as my favorite photos from February and March so far

  1. A great collection of images, Lisa! We are now in Autumn and while I love the cooler months, I think I will also be hoping for Spring by the end of it.I am interested in knowing more about my ancestry as well. Thankfully I know a fair few generations back on both grandparents on my maternal side. My paternal side is less known though.


  2. Beautiful photos Lisa 🙂 I’m so over Winter as well. Lets just get onto Spring already, so done with all the cold weather.


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