I’ve written about farms a few times . . .

Looking back over my blog in the last few years, I can see that I’ve written a lot about farms. Even my latest “novel in progress” is called The Farmer’s Daughter. One might think I grew up on a farm, but I didn’t. I grew up around farms but not on one. Still, I have a huge soft spot for farms and farmers, especially the small, family-owned farms.

I thought I would link to some of my past blog posts about farming in today’s posts.

The State of Dairy Farming in Northeast Pennsylvania: Tangible struggles, palpable heartache, and immeasurable joy.

The Heartache is Real as Family Farms Start to Fade Away

A New Beginning for a Small Pennsylvania Farm.

The Farm

A Little Farm Making Special Milk in Pennsylvania

Tell Me More About . . . Mark Bradley, Dairy Farmer, Sayre, Pa.

Tell Me More About . . . Engelbert Farms, Nichols, N.Y.

19 thoughts on “I’ve written about farms a few times . . .

      1. Well I’m no good to read books on electronic format so I’ve only followed a bit..a hard copy is my choice and I’m working on patience..soooo it’ll make it that much sweeter to read when you’re all finished!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I am trying to figure out how to design a nice hard copy. I hate how they come out on Amazon so I’m going to play with it this time and see if I can get a better design for future books. Or maybe someday I’ll get picked up by a real publisher and that will make it easier 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Ahhhhh you NEED to be picked up by a publisher, you’re so talented!!!
          There’s a gal from my church who has self-published I believe, I’ll see if I can find out who she goes through.


        3. I don’t know if I’m really that talented but I appreciate the comment 🙂 what I like about self-publishing is I write what I want and there is no one to tell me to write it so it fits in a certain category or box.

          Liked by 1 person

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