Sometimes I like to see the world in black and white (through photography.)

Sometimes I like to convert my photographs into black and white, simply to see what they look like and what moments are focused on without the distraction of color.

Sometimes I see a photo in black and white in my head and sometimes in color. To me, photos are meant to tell a story and there are times that that story is better told if there aren’t a variety of colors, which can be a distraction, to pull the eye away from the story.

I don’t agree that just any photo can be converted to black and white, however. I’ve seen photographs of flowers converted to black and white and don’t get it. I think flowers should be in color. However, that’s only my personal opinion.

Native American dancers?

Color. (My photo of this was taken on film and I didn’t take the time to scan it in for this post.)

Photos from autumn? Color.

Flowers at a greenhouse? Usually in color but sometimes black and white tells the story better and the colorful flowers aren’t needed.

I thought I would share some of the “story telling” photos I took in the last few months that I thought told the story better in black and white. Even though lately I like most of my photos in color simply so the world doesn’t seem so dark.

I’ve rambled about black and white photography before.

And I’ve rambled about photography in general a number of times:

Capturing the Real, Raw Moments of Photography

What happened to my photography when I stopped taking photos for money

Photography Tuesday: The No Good Rotten Truth about Selling Stock Photography

Photography for parents: Five tips to photographing your children inside your home

10 thoughts on “Sometimes I like to see the world in black and white (through photography.)

  1. Ahhh you’ve done it again!! Your photography is so captivating to me, it’s absolutely gorgeous… Such a gift!!
    I don’t listen to much country music like I did back in my 20s but there’s one song that I do still love and maybe you’ve heard of it or might enjoy it, but I’m reminded of it as I look at your photos…


  2. Of course you know my heart was drawn to this post. I’ll need to read the others you’ve written. Photography has become a huge part of me just now, it’ll be so great to have someone like you here for inspiration. Now I fully understand your comment on my post. Bless you, Lisa.

    Liked by 2 people

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