The Do Nothing Summer

We really haven’t done anything this summer and I’ve felt guilty about it, but part of the time it couldn’t be helped.

This has been a fairly hot, humid summer and going outside to frolic in the fields hasn’t really been an option. Of course, one has to be cautious about frolicking in fields around here anyhow with all the Lyme Disease carrying ticks that our county has. The number of people we know hitting their beds due to Lyme is a bit overwhelming. My dad has been one of them and is frustrated with the exhaustion that often hits him.

We haven’t really visited playgrounds (okay, we’ve gone to two), or gone to the local pool near us (probably because my dad installed a large one at his house), visited the local libraries (probably because I always lose library books and end up paying for them) or had a fancy vacation (because we are poor). Quite frankly, we’ve been slugs.


We still have a month before school starts, so hopefully, we can pack in some fun days before then. In the midst of trying to squeeze in some fun activities, I’m also researching additional homeschool curriculum since I plan to start homeschooling on August 26, something my son isn’t super thrilled with.

Homeschooling has been a blessing to us so far, even on the tough days. It’s been nice to be able to visit my parents even on school days, instead of visiting them only on the weekends. My son is able to spend days and nights with my parents while my dad teaches him life skills, such as do it yourself projects. My dad is either teaching my son or using him to help complete some projects around the house, either way, it’s a good learning experience for him.


This summer my son helped his grandfather prepare the ground for a new pool behind the house, work on a shed near the house, and repair a tombstone of a family member at the local cemetery. They have also enjoyed quite a few breakfasts out together. One thing the weather this summer hasn’t allowed much time for is the long bike rides my son and dad usually take.




Maybe we can all find something fun to do when the weather breaks and we don’t have to sweat through it. Thanks to the flexibility of homeschooling we will be able to do that even if it happens right when classes start again.

So, how about you? How is summer treating you? Have you been able to take a lot of trips, go to the pool, play at the playground (with or without children), or take some long bike rides? Or have you been a slug, like me this summer?



14 thoughts on “The Do Nothing Summer

  1. Lyme disease is a TERRIBLE disease. My mother-in-law has chronic lyme. It has left us hyper-aware of ticks and trying to keep them off of us! We haven’t done much this summer….too hot and not enough money, lol. We have gone to a swimming hole near our house twice this year (it’s a bit of a walk so it’s a big treat), but that’s about it. Honestly, that’s enough for me right now. Maybe next year we will be able to save up a bit of money and go to the beach….maybe not. Either way, at least it’s summer and not freezing cold out yet! God Bless!


  2. Your photos are always so colorful and pretty. Everything looks very green in your part of the woods. We also haven’t gone on any vacations. Everything seems to be getting more expensive too. We love second hand shopping and sticking with being frugal when it comes to our meals. When my kids were little, we had a lot of fun just playing in our back yard. At our old home in the city (now my brother-in-law owns it down the street) it used to have huge mature shade trees and an orange tree. We put a swing set in the back and filled a plastic pool with sand for the kids. They loved it back there. Since my brother-in-;law bought it he never watered the trees because he is not really into gardening, so all those big beautiful trees, including the orange tree the kids used to eat from, all died. It looks so sad in that back yard now. Anyway, it was fun just staying home having water balloon fights and one time I hung up a big white sheet on the clothesline and gave the kids a bunch of plastic spray bottles filled with colored water and they sprayed water all over the sheet creating art. They loved our staycations.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have a tiny, fenced-in backyard but we still spend some time there. We go to my parents’ a lot since they are in the country and have a pool and a lot more space. That sheet idea sounds awesome! I wish I was as crafty as you but I guess there is no time like the present to start trying


  3. Beautiful pics!! I read in your description the part about your photography, such talent!!
    Lyme disease, so awful☹️
    We homeschool also but we have a daughter (with a strong personality) in public school who’s starting 8th grade..I’ve always homeschooled my younger two but this year I believe our son is starting public school (4th grader)…I’m having some serious mixed feelings.
    My 6th grader won’t give public school a thought…the problem is I’m just not passionate about homeschooling anymore, I get intimidated about my ability to teach as they get older but I definitely love the idea of teaching from home especially learning through life.
    Wishing you an amazing school year with your son!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sometimes the do nothing days are the best ones 😊. We’ve been fairly busy (at least it feels busy to me because we usually keep things very low key). But summer weather here is short-lived so I feel urgent about making the best of it. And my son will head off to public school in September so I savour the days when he is home ❤️. It’s all been a lot of fun but I am honestly looking forward to some slower summer days of not doing too much.

    And ya that Lyme disease stuff is not nice…it’s becoming more of an issue here too, especially where we used to live in the country.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. We haven’t done anything this summer either since we’ve been working on the house and it’s been so hot. I feel so guilty because I want to be out there making memories with my daughter. Between the house and homeschool planning summer has just flown by. I’m planning to have school 4 days a week this year so on the 5th day we can take field trips and learn home ec stuff. Hopefully that will make up for such a boring summer.

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